Monday, October 30, 2006

Born Againers meet the follower of the Ori on the journey to Celestis

As I was walking down the road to the papershop on Sunday morning, in South Tottenham, I was accosted by 4 smart-almost-Mormon-looking-Osmond-types, a particularly strange brand of our local born against Christian fundamentalists.
I have often had them land on the doorstep and shut the door in their faces.
Never met these weird bods ever before.
They stopped me and, being a Stargate fan--and having just seen episode one of season 10 (see I decided to have some fun.

They asked me if I was a believer in the one true god, and did I want to buy whatever nonsense they were selling. To which I replied, as only the Doci (see could that:

"Those who seek the path to enlightenment must not be led astray."

"Those who abandon the path are evil."

"Enemies of the Ori show no mercy in their attempts to draw believers away from the path."

"Then to Tyolus: say to the people of the low plains, seek not the wickedness amongst your neighbors lest it find purchase in your own house."

I continued that I had just finished my PROSTRATION and that it was a session akin to Catholic mass where an Ori village comes together in worship of chants and prayer. It is led by the village administrator. During Prostration, it is customary to carry a copy of the Book of Origin. The administrator lights candles and recites chants hailing the Ori. Prostration is known to last six hours.

By this time my four fundamentalist pals were about ready to run away. I said, no you have not ascended and reached enlightenment yet.

I finished them off with the coolest quote of all, and this makes me an utter Stargate nerd:
"Great holy armies shall be gathered and trained to fight all evil."
"Ships shall be built to carry Ori warriors out amongst the stars and they shall spread Origin to all unbelievers."

I asked them if they wished to join me on my journey to the City of Celestis (see

By this time they were in deepest Enfield!!!

1 comment:

stroppybird said...

Impressed you managed to keep a straight face and convince them enough to scare them :-)