Monday, November 13, 2006

A story of a fabled land far far away...part III

Where were we?

We were looking at the story of the fabled borough of Avalon...
So what happened earlier?
Many years ago, a small group of system lords wandered down the central streets of Avalon. They found themselves near the Fields and said: "Forsooth, let us maketh an offer that that Steve the Large (then the ruler) and his main advisor, 'Merlyln of the Lane' cannot refuse. Let us tie them up for 25 years!"
They recruited a senior advisor to the Counsel, "Peter of the Bone" and a member of the Praetorian Guard "John o' the Kitchen" in their enterprise.
One day, the advisors were all gathered around the great oblong table in the gilded chambers of Avalon. The chambers were known as Celestis, City of the Gods.
It was decided that many of the Borough's old folk were living in squalor. What to do? Asked Paul of Barnsbury? Ah, said Gwendolen of Goswell (then known as Gwendolen of the Fields), let us get together and sell off the needs of the old folk.
Forsooth, they all uttered, and Merlyln of the Lane agreed. She agreed wholeheartedly and said, let us tie it up for 25 years and sell to the lowest bidder.
The people's army, led by Gary Mandrake, and Andrew of the Blackberry were in total opposition.
Gadzooks they exclaimed, let us fight this. But ther concordat was signed with a quill pen by Peter o'the Bone and Merlyn.
Merlyln was a fabulous sorceress who had faced many ways simultaneously. The workers and peasants were very upset. There was much wailing and gnashing of teeth all around the Provinces. But around the oblong table Merlyln and her pals decided that Gwendolen and her advisors were right.
They announced a fabulous plan and said, hey let us sell these buildings to the System Lords.
The System Lords had a name, that name struck fear and loathing in the workers and farmers, the old people and all in health and social care, for it was The Goua'ld.

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